dilluns, 12 de novembre del 2018

Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola reveals why he feared he could have been jailed

Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola reveals why he feared he could have been jailed

Guardiola has been a staunch supporter of the activists who were imprisoned following the Catalan referendum

Mirror Football preview Manchester Derby
Pep Guardiola has admitted he feared he could have been jailed for his protests following the independence referendum in Catalonia.
The Manchester City boss has worn a yellow ribbon for over a year in support of the activists who were imprisoned following the vote.
Guardiola was charged by the Football Association last season and now only wears the ribbon at press conferences.
And he said: “I’m not allowed to wear it in games, I know that.
“What disappoints me is that these people are still in prison a year later and they were accused of something they didn't do.
Pep Guardiola continues to wear a yellow ribbon
“If they’re still there then I could be too. There are people who have been wrongly imprisoned for more than a year.“They’re not politicians, they just expressed their opinions. That’s why I support them with the ribbon.
“The FA then punished me for wearing it and I accept that, but I can wear it in press conferences and that’s why I’m wearing it now.
“I’d also like you to support me if I’m jailed unfairly too. I always wear it, unless I forget it or leave it in my pocket.”
Guardiola will lead his side out against rivals Manchester United in this afternoon's derby.
City have thrashed Southampton and Shakhtar Donetsk 6-1 and 6-0 respectively in the past week but Guardiola is expecting something much different as the Premier League leaders face improving United at the Etihad Stadium.
City welcome United today in fine form
He said: "Against the top teams like United, Chelsea , Tottenham , Liverpool - you cannot imagine for 90 minutes we are going to play amazingly and not give them a chance. "When they have the ball and the people in front - wow - they can create something.
"They have an incredible amount of talent up front and in the middle as well. That is why we have to defend deep and strong, defend the crosses and avoid set-pieces as they are huge and far better than us.
"We have to control more for as many minutes as possible and be clinical. That's the game we'll try to do.
"What we have to do is try to play good. If we don't we have no chance to win."
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